

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Hold On // SBTRKT

via lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggervia lolajaggerYesterday was one of my favourite days of the year, the day of the St Jeromes Laneway Festival. It was yet another incredible day filled with good music, good people and good food. I didn't quite get around to seeing all the musicians/bands I would of liked to of seen but for those I did see.. they did not disappoint. Above are some photographs I took of Cults, Portugal. The Man, Austra, SBTRKT and The Drums. It was a hard decision deciding between SBTRKT and M83 (they were both playing at the same time) but i'm pretty happy with my choice since SBTRKT blew my mind! I definitely recommend heading to one of their shows, they will not disappoint you. My weekend also consisted of heading to a friends NYC Block Party themed birthday party Friday night, the Vice presents Rdio Launch Party at Beach Road Hotel Saturday night as well as having my parents in town visiting for the weekend. I think the only way to some up my weekend is with the picture below, featuring the haul/souvenirs/result of the weekends activities.via lolajagger

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